Colon Hydrotherapy

Photo by Deklofenak/iStock / Getty Images

The most unimaginable, despised and neglected part of the body, the colon, is the cause of wide spread, degenerative diseases in modern civilization. In the treatment of every chronic disease and acute malady, the colon must be considered. The average colon in civilized communities is in a desperately deprived and dangerous condition.

What is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy is a soothing flow of filtered, temperature-controlled water gently circulating throughout the colon by way of a sterile, disposable rectal tube, coaxing your body to yield the digested toxins and waste that may have built up inside. Water in = waste matter flushed out. Colon hydrotherapy is an ancient, time-honored, gentle cleansing of the colon that dates back many years



If you have ever eaten junk food, fatty food, sweets, caffeine, soda pop, chemically treated and preserved foods, processed food, too much or too little food, or in fact, anything that modern culture deems edible, you will benefit from colon hydrotherapy.

How can cleaning my colon help?

The colon is a reflex organ, meaning there are electrical connections to all other parts and systems of the body. When waste material has accumulated over a long period of time it breaks down and becomes toxic. The body responds by slowing down other functions. This causes constipation and sluggish bowel movements which affect all other systems of the body.

Colon hydrotherapy has not only been shown to increase the functioning of your colon, but has helped with depression, fatigue, allergies, irritability, asthma, backaches, acne and much more. Clients have noted improved range of motion, skin tightening, feeling younger, and an overall relief from many ailments of the body.

Colon hydrotherapy sessions are soothing, relaxing, and very private. Colon hydrotherapy allows you to rid your body of toxic waste. A clean colon prevents disease. The goal is to help you regain vibrant health.



Detox Foot Spas


NRG Detox Foot Spas

Imagine a health therapy that doesn't require pills, drugs or pain. Imagine a therapy that uses energy and water to increase the natural healing ability of the body without painful side effects. You can get this with the NRG detox food spa! Environmental stresses like food processing, preservatives, toxins, chemicals, pollution, synthetics, and radiation are factors in every part of our lives. Consequently, environmental toxins have become the leading source of illness in our current industrial way of life. 

Our body depends on energy, and its capacity to use energy, in order to heal from ailments and injuries. Because our present way of life exposes us to so many toxins, our bodies use a disproportionate amount of energy to deal with these intrusive toxins, instead of their energy for the natural functions.

The NRG Works foot spa is a bioelectric device that utilizes electricity and water to energize the body and enhance its natural capacity to detoxify. It is the latest in personal care technologies developed by researchers and scientists as a therapeutic aid for greater health and wellbeing. 

Blood samples taken from clients before and after receiving foot spa treatments have demonstrated significant improvements in client's cellular health. The samples show coagulation and disfiguration of the plasma blood cells before treatments - and hydrated, differentiated cells after treatments. These results help to confirm the energizing and detoxifying effects of the foot spa on the inner domains of the body. The NRG foot spa takes advantage of the body's electrical nature to generate enhanced, long-lasting energy vitality.

Our energy level reflects our body's bioelectrical activity. When we feel unnaturally "tired", our cells are not functioning at optimal levels. Exposure to toxic substances, ingestion of foods lacking sufficient nutrients, living high stress lifestyles and getting little exercise greatly diminishes our bodies' naturally vibrant energy levels. It is believed that NRG rejuvenates the body's natural bioelectrical stimulation of the entire body through the feet and elimination of toxic substances from the body


Benefits of Using Detox Foot Spas

• People have experienced increased energy, clarity of mind, calming of emotion, better sleep and heightened physical wellbeing

• Many people who have used the foot spas for several months or longer have noticed they not only feel younger, but they look younger too!! Detox foot spas may have a youthful effect on the body.

• Energizing and detoxifying the body may enable people to heal more effectively from various diseases. 


  Lab testing
