Colon Cleanse


New Client 90 minute session-$95.00

Established Client 45 minute session - $75.00

Package of 4 - $264.00
Package of 6 - $384.00
Package of 12 - $730.00



NRG Foot Spa Detox

Detoxify and Energize the Entire Body

40 minute session - $50
Package of 5 - $195



Deluxe Cleanse

Foot Detox and Colon Cleanse 

40 minute Foot Spa plus a 45 minute Colonic - $105.00

New Clients add $25



Missed Appointment and Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, please give 24 hours advance notice to ensure that you will not be charged for the appointment. If less than 24 hours notice is given and we are unable to fill your time slot, you will be expected to pay for the appointment.